Opinion: Obama Says He Is Bored With Debate Prep, Really He’s Afraid To...
According to a news report, President Barack Obama is bored with the entire debate process. He allegedly told a political volunteer: “They’re making me do my homework. They’re keeping me indoors all...
View ArticlePowertalk: “Killing Is The Solution To Street Violence!”
On Power Talk with Lorraine Jacques-White we talked about crime in the black community. Our focus was on the reasons why black men kill, and should black-on-black crime be a national or local issue....
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Will Be Incredible In The Presidential Debate
President Barack Obama has begun talking about his first presidential debate which will be held Wednesday night in Denver in odd ways. Yet, one can assume there is a method to his oddity on the topic....
View ArticleOpinion: Does Mitt Romney Have An October Surprise For The Debate?
Governor Romney has spent a lot of time in debate prep lately. The campaign, short on specifics to date, is also starting to roll out a few hints about policies that Romney has been silent on. The...
View ArticleOpinion: Obama’s Path To Debate Victory
First of all, Barack Obama needs to make sure he does not fall off the stage tonight. Outside of that, the challenge for the president is three fold: One, keep the answers short. Two, connect policy...
View ArticleOpinion: In A Cautious Debate Obama Gets The Points He Needed
Like the first few rounds of a heavy weight fight, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama spent a cautious night together mostly dancing around each other. Each made their points, but not aggressively so....
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Gives Obama Debate Trouncing As Anniversary Gift
While Michelle Obama was complaining to the media that yesterday wasn’t much of a 20th anniversary for her and her husband, Mitt Romney was planning his anniversary gift to be presented on the...
View ArticleOpinion: Obama Passes The Buck On Debate Loss Just Like He Blames Others For...
As usual, President Barack Obama is passing the blame. On the campaign trail in Denver on Thursday, Obama was spreading the blame around for his pathetic debate performance on Wednesday night against...
View ArticleOpinion: Upon Further Review: Mitt Romney May Have Cheated To Win The Debate
Over the past day the game tape of the debate has been reviewed. While Mitt Romney still enjoys the afterglow of the debate, the lies and half truths he told are being dissected. From tax policy to...
View ArticleCBS Local Presidential Forum: Obama/Romney: Talk Jobs, Economy and Government
By Carol Cain CBS62 With the economy clearly driving the 2012 race for the White House Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama took turns at bat to talk up their plans to help create jobs as CBS...
View ArticleCBS Local Presidential Forum Obama/Romney: Debating Cities and Education
By Carol Cain CBS 62 Detroit As American cities go, so goes the fate of the nation the saying goes, which is why President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney took time out from the campaign trail to...
View ArticleOpinion: Big Bird And America Want No Part Of The Big Bird Attack Ad
Ever since GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney uttered the words “Big Bird” a week ago during the first presidential debate in which President Barack Obama was – according to most polls –...
View ArticleSisters In Law Talk Presidential Debate # 2
On Power Talk with Lorraine Jacques-White we talked all bout the Presidential Debate number 2. Our special guest were Sisters In Law Janice and Davida Mathis, and the delivered the truth as usual. The...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Will Win The Second Debate Too
Much like the first debate, GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney will win the second debate as well but on a much smaller scale. The reasons for the second win in a row will be quite different on...
View ArticleOpinion: In Tonight’s Debate Mitt Romney’s Lies Will Catch Up With Him
Tonight’s debate offers President Obama an opportunity to pick up where the debate left off in Denver. That is exactly what Republicans seem to be hoping for. But, as they say, be careful of what you...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney’s Performance Was Painful And Unbecoming Of A Presidential...
Governor Romney tonight turned in another performance of Hollywood quality. In an evening full of complaining about time and interrupting the moderator and the president, Romney truly brought the...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Clearly Won The Debate – Again
The second presidential debate between GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama was quite different from the first due to the town hall format and due to the fact that...
View ArticleOpinion: Crowley’s Obama Favoritism Completely Discredits Her As A Journalist
There were so many blatant signs of Obama-favored bias displayed by CNN political correspondent Candy Crowley that one scarcely knows where to begin. Now that the second presidential debate is history...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Campaign Drops Dog Whistle And Moves To Blatant Racism
Tagg Romney, the son of Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said this week that he wanted to walk down on the debate floor on Tuesday and take a swing at the president. He said it to a rightwing radio...
View ArticleCBS Local Presidential Forum: Obama/Romney: Push Back On Opponent’s False...
By Carol Cain CBS 62 Detroit With days left in this historic billion-dollar-plus marathon for the White House that polls show tightening, President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney continued to duke...
View ArticleOpinion: Democrats Pick Another Losing Issue Focusing On Binders
Less than three weeks before the election, quite oddly, the top issue for President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and the Democrats is the binders. The more the “left” talk binders, the...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Must Answer Tough Questions On His Questionable Foreign...
Once again, a presidential race hinges on what happens in Florida. For tonight, however, it is not about Florida’s votes. Tonight’s debate at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida, is the third and...
View ArticleOpinion: With Economics Intertwined With Foreign Affairs Romney Will Win The...
GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama will square off one more time on Monday night with the final presidential debate at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. With CBS...
View ArticleOpinion: In Clear Victory Obama Shows Romney Isn’t Ready To Be...
Last night America saw a president in command and a challenger in retreat from his own positions. Obama dominated the stage and the discussion at Lynn University. He emerged the clear victor. Agree...
View ArticleOpinion: A Mad, Personal-Attacking, Interrupting Obama Loses Third...
GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney clearly defeated President Barack Obama in the third presidential debate held Monday night at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. Unlike viewers witnessed...
View ArticleOpinion: Early Voting Is Getting Ridiculous
Imagine a rule in your family which says you can open your Christmas gift any time from November 20 to December 25. Or, how about being told you can open your birthday present any time from 35 days...
View ArticleAl Sharpton: Hurricane Matthew, The Rebuilding Needs To Start Now
The destruction continues as now there are over 800,000 without power in Florida, hundreds of lives have been claimed and towns wiped out and hurricane Matthew is not done yet.
View ArticleRound Two: Rashad Richey Discusses the Second Presidential Debate
While the world has seemingly become accustomed to the antics of the most controversial candidate ever, Republican Nominee Donald Trump, US citizens were glued to their televisions for the second...
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